Identification Cards

New ID soon to be release.

A new design for the official ID is still on draft, the officers in charge for this project are looking for the right material, printing house and establishment that can provide a good quality print in low cost. Picture taking and digital signature are soon to be schedule. Lace for ID's are optional. The ID will be look like an ATM cards and Visas. Solid, good quality, and sure will fit inside the standard wallet.

Tribu Handbook

Handbook available for download.

A Tribu Handbook is a pdf file available for download, the Handbook contains the list of project plans for the whole year. The list of officers, the legalities of the organization are also in the book for security purposes. Income reports and expenses are also included as well as the profile such as Mission, Vision, and Objectives.

The Tribu Handbook is free to download, copy and redistribute to the other members, you can find the download link at the bottom of every page of this website.

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